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Intense Swag is proud to give back to our communities. If you have a nonprofit that would benefit from swag, we are here to help! Simply complete the form below with your details or send us an email at We'll design specialty products for your cause at NO cost to you! We'll set up a special page for your swag to be featured for the period of time that you determine! The best part? We'll share 10% of whatever sales are made from your page with your nonprofit!


What are you waiting for? This is the easiest fundraiser you'll ever do! And the best part is that your cause will also have some pretty awesome swag in addition to some extra bucks in the bank! 

How can we help?

Thanks for submitting! We’ll get back to you shortly.

Additional details and requirements for participating in fundraisers!

  • All participating fundraisers are required to have a nonprofit designation and appropriate tax ID in order to receive money from sales. If you do not have this, we are still happy to set up a swag site for you and provide you with a discount code, but we will not be able to provide you with money back under our nonprofit fundraising initiative. 

  • Any nonprofit is eligible! Schools, sports teams, community organizations, churches, etc.

  • Sales profits will be distributed on a quarterly basis. However, if the fundraiser runs for less than one quarter, the funds will be distributed at the end of the fundraiser. 

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